family walking through a filed of grass

Common Sense Parenting

School Age Children (6-16)
Common Sense Parenting® offers parents of children ages 6-16 a menu of proven techniques to use while facing family challenges: a teen who’s defiant; siblings who constantly bicker; a child having trouble in school; and parents and kids who don’t communicate or have fun together anymore. Step-by-step strategies aid parents in building good family relationships, preventing and correcting misbehavior, using consequences to improve behavior, teaching self-control, and staying calm. This updated edition shows parents how to approach discipline as positive teaching rather than punishment. As each new parenting technique is introduced, the instructor will explain each step, provide many clear examples, and give you an action plan for implementing it in your home. Also addressed are topics of special interest - how to deal with school problems, computer misuse, and Internet and social media dangers.

Toddlers and Preschoolers (2-5)
Set up your child and yourself for success and learn how discipline can be more about teaching than punishment, and more positive than negative for parents and children. Time and research-tested Common Sense Parenting® skills have been adapted to meet the needs of parents and caregivers of young children ages 2 through 5. In this second edition, parents are given enhanced parenting skills and updated parent steps and clearer explanations for how and why to use these steps with children:

  • Set reasonable expectations based on your child's age, development, and abilities
  • Give your child the nurturing, love, and praise he or she needs to thrive
  • Use a parent's version of "show and tell" to both prevent problems and correct behavior
  • Create plans for staying calm - for you and your child